Jackson County Beekeepers Association Welcomes You
Your local source in Jackson County NC for education and support in beekeeping!
Jackson County Beekeepers announces
2025 Bee School!
When: Saturday March 22 and March 29, 9-4
Where: Classroom instruction will take place at First Baptist Church, 660 West Main St. Sylva, NC
Field Day location behind Country Road Farms, 41 Hall Town Rd. Sylva, NC
Cost: $75 per person. Cost includes book Beekeeping for Dummies, and lunch on second day. (Cost is nonrefundable unless the class doesn't "make" with at least 10 people )
How to sign up: Click the button below to sign up with our treasurer Kristin Kane.
Details: Presenters (including state inspector Lewis Cauble) will cover all topics necessary for taking the NC State Certified Beekeepers Exam. The exam will take place the last afternoon of class. Particpants are not obligated to take the test; however, those that would like to need to inform Kristin at time of registration.
What to bring: A water bottle and notebook. For field day, you will need a beesuit. Please let Kristin know if you don't have one and need to borrow. Field Day is scheduled for the afternoon of March 22, but may change to the next week if the weather prevents us from accessing hives. Click this link for more info or to sign up with Kristin, 828/226-2861.
What We Offer
Monthly Meetings
We meet monthly at the Jackson County Extension Office, 876 Skyland Drive, Sylva NC
Meetings begin at 5:30 with an open discussion period. From 6:00-7:00 we usually have a speaker, followed by a question and answer period.
Most meetings also streamed via ZOOM. Here is the access info:
Meeting ID
933 6135 8713
Security Passcode
Link https://ncsu.zoom.us/j/93361358713?pwd=bnJqMWt4S1QvcUF3Tm5BVUZraUhBdz09
2025 Meeting Schedule and Topics
Jan. 4 No Meeting
Feb. 6 "Swarm Control and Catching Swarms"
Mar. 22 and Mar. 29 BEE SCHOOL
Apr. 3 no Regular Meeting due to GUTM
April 26 Greening Up the Mtns. booth (MORE INFO TO COME)
May 1 "Making Skin Products from the Hive and Nature"
June 5 "Treating for Mites and Other Pests"
July 3 No Meeting
Aug. 7 "When and How to Extract Honey"
Sept. 4 "Feeding and Downsizing"
Oct. 2 "Planting for Pollinators
Nov. 6 "Benefits of All Parts of the Hive"
Dec. 4 BeeJolly Gathering
Community Outreach
We host tables at local events like "Greening Up the Mountains" and sponsor community education at the Sylva Public Library and other venues.
Jackson County Beekeepers Association is dedicated to putting our Jackson County community first. Our Community Outreach program extends from schools to community food providers.
Membership Benefits
Individual annual dues are $10, or $15 for a household. Children under 18 can join free!
New beekeeper or experienced apiarist, everyone can benefit from the information, education and mentoring offered by the Jackson County Beekeepers. Educational programs are presented during each monthly meeting. In addition, connect with other regional beekeepers to discuss issues affecting hive health, honey production and product innovations. The club even has equipment for members to use!
Jackson County Beekeepers Association works hard to adapt to the needs of our members, providing speakers and sources for materials based on the club's current needs.
Assistance with Threats to Honeybees
Our Goal is to Help!
Threats to honeybees include other insects, animals, pesticides, fungicides, fertilizers, herbicides and loss of foraging areas due to development. Colony Collapse Disorder also continues to be a problem in North America . We are working to help the honeybee one hive at a time.
Friends of JCBA
Sources for information as well as for supplies and live bees
NC State Bee Inspector for our region:
Lewis Cauble 828/230-4544
Lewis is available by text or phone for questions, and can even schedule a trip to your apiary!
Dry Ridge Bee Supply
A great source for bees and supplies, located in Weaverville, NC. They also offer equipment rentals, and host free education days one Saturday a month!
Check out their website below.
Appalachian Apiaries
Located in Franklin, NC, Appalachian Apiaries sells bees and hive equipment too! Their owner, David Kirkland, is a great source of knowledge on beekeeping.
Check out their website below.
KT's Orchard and Apiary
Contact: Howard and Kathy Taylor
Address: 195 Pigeon Ford Road Canton, NC, 28716
Website: www.ktsorchard.com
Live bee orders by phone only.
Please Call (706)782-6722
Package Bees and Nucs available for pickup only.
No shipping or delivery of Package Bees or Nucs.
Local Bee Schools
The Macon County Bee Club is also hosting a Bee School this year. There are two weekends from which to choose: Feb. 24 and Mar.2. For more information, contact Katie Wall at kdwall@gmail.com
Help with swarms and unwanted honeybees
Do you have a swarm that needs to be dealt with? DON'T call an exterminator!
Jackson County Beekeepers often can help you catch a swarm and relocate it. When we are unable to catch it (due to extreme height, or difficult circumstances), we can most likely help you find someone who can.
The following people can be contacted for help with a honeybee swarm:
David Massengill (919)820-0319
Emily Taylor (910)527-5364
Neal Andrews (336)312-8649
There are right and wrong ways to catch swarms. If you'd like to learn more, here's an article to start with.
Contact Us
Want to get involved with Jackson County Beekeepers Association? Contact a member of the Jackson County Beekeepers' Board:
President: Emily Taylor
Vice-President: David Massengill
Secretary: Whitney Kreiling
Treasurer: Kristin Kane